Sunita - a doctors life and love story
Chapter 1 - Two sisters and a friend It was a warm summer morning, as Sunita walked up the library stairs, it’s not that she loved reading books, it was the special meeting place for her and her longtime friend Sunil. Sunita and Sunil had been school time friends. This friendship had made them famous in their locality. “The in separable two”, that what their friends called them. At times, Sunita’s uncle and aunt instructed her to keep distance from Sunil, as she had now grown up, although they were not opposed to having him as their Son in law. But no amount of scolding or insults could keep them apart, until it was time for graduation. Sunita took up Medicine and Sunil took commerce. Since they went to different colleges, they rarely met as they used to in school. That’s why they decided to meet each other every Sunday morning in front of the Public library. She sat waiting, dreamy eyed. She smiled at the sight of the approaching tall and heavy built Sunil. The ...